ifeoma.ihunyere.200357@unn.edu.ng I took a walk to Fidelity bank today and i noticed the progress made in the renovation of Okeke hostel. This hostel that was almost burnt to the ground on a cold evening in December 2015 was seen as one of the best hostels in UNN because it had sufficient water supply and rarely had electricity issues. The fire outbreak led to the loss of properties of many occupants and fortunately no loss of life. the students affairs department did a good job in re-allocating those affected new hostels and passing by the once great hostel today, it dawned on me that the school authorities are making great efforts in restoring Okeke hostel to its former glory.
Teaching which is the profession of a teacher simply refers to the activities of educating or imparting knowledge to students. Every teacher has a goal which he/she must achieve at the end of every class lesson. Whatever style used by the teacher to achieve such goals and also to make learning easier for the students can be referred to as 'Teaching strategies'. Jigsaw is a type of teaching strategy. In this case the teacher divides the students into small groups called home groups and assign different topics to each student in the group and assign the same topics in the same order to students in another home group and ask them to make research on their topics after he has done that another group called the expert group would be made but this time it would consist of those with similar topics in the home groups. They would discuss about their topic as the expert that they are and when the discussion is over they would return to their home group and each person wo...
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